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Norway: Smartmeters to be brought to court

The rollout of the new AMS (automated measuring system) for power consumption has been going on in record speed so far, with a massive push by the power industry and backed by mainstream media and government agencies. Soon, in virtually all Norwegian households there shall be a little “mobile mast”, sending and radiating strongly, every…

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Norwegen: “Smarte” Strommesser bald vor Gericht!

The rollout of the new AMS (automated measuring system) for power consumption has been going on in record speed so far, with a massive push by the power industry and backed by mainstream media and government agencies. Soon, in virtually all Norwegian households there shall be a little “mobile mast”, sending and radiating strongly, every…

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Artensterben und Artenvielfalt

Artensterben…. Endlich kommt es ans Licht: Insekten und Vögel vertragen nicht das Bombardement mit digital gepulsten Funkwellen. Sie, die selbst mit feinsten elektromagnetischen Signale navigieren, zum Teil mit eingebauten Antennen und Bio-Magneten, werden verwirrt durch den Funksalat unserer drahtlosen Kommunikation. Den ersten Vortrag über dieses Tabu-Thema durfte ich 2009 bei unserem zweiten El-Symposium “Wireless Humanity”…

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Research News: Finally, we know how electrosensitivity works?

Research News: How does radiation from mobilphones and WLAN etc. affect health? Finally, the underlying processes in the human (and animal) organism seem to become visible. Based on the recent breakthroughs, Prof. Hecht (Berlin) has asked the question: Is the distinction between ionizing and non-inonizing radation still meaningful? The 21 page PDF in German can…